Sunday, April 4, 2010

Throw Grandma from the Train! Or, alternate title- Why I Believe in Assisted Suicide.

I am 100% for assisted suicide for the elderly & infirm, for one main reason. And that reason is- my grandmother. She's a prime candidate for assisted suicide. She's 90 years old, incontinent, and has full-blown dementia. My mom had the brilliant idea to move her down here from Wisconsin, and boy howdy is she regretting it now. Nearly every day my mom has to mop up puddles of piss, or clean SHIT off of grandma's hands because she craps herself & starts playing with it. Her dementia is so bad that she has no idea who any of us are anymore, except for my mom. She shuffles around the house, talking to people who aren't there all day long. She gets belligerent & violent, and one time she even threw a book at my dad. She scares the hell out of my baby sister, the poor kid hides under the table most of the time now.

My mom is miserable & stressed out all the time, and snaps at everyone now. She's trying to get me to forgo my job search to 'babysit' grandma during the day & I told her I might do that, maybe when HELL FREEZES OVER. I babysat her once, and she thought I was my aunt & started yelling at me cause I couldn't understand what the hell she was saying. She speaks a wierd dialect of Russian & Croatian, and only my mom & aunt can understand her. And my mom got all pissed off at me earlier tonight cause I told her there's no fscking way I'm gonna come over & change Grandma's diaper every day. Hell no I'm not doing that shit! I feel bad for my mom & I'd love to help her, but frankly that old lady terrifies me & I'm not gonna get stuff thrown at me or get yelled at & pissed on.

Sorry, I know it sounds terrible, but my mom didn't ask anyone else if it was ok to move Grandma in. Not me, my dad, or my sister. She just brought her down & moved her in, not caring if we liked it or not. None of us asked for this & now my mom thinks she can just EXPECT us all to put our lives on hold. Sorry mom, but no. It does not work that way.

So we're looking for a reasonably-priced nursing home to put her in now, cause she needs 24 hour care & supervision. I cannot believe my mom actually thought she could do this on her own.

Assisted suicide NEEDS to be legal, like NOW. People like my Grandma should not be forced to linger on like that. She's been saying for years now that "god forgot about her", and how she wishes she would just die. I've already told my mom that when SHE gets like this, I myself am gonna throw her into a bog. And she thanked me! NOBODY SHOULD HAVE TO LIVE LIKE THAT!!! And nobody should have to spend their middle age wiping their elderly parents' butts.

C'mon Obama- do something worthwhile & legalize euthanasia.

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