Monday, March 29, 2010

Now I remember why I quit hanging out with girls.

Cause they're a bunch of critical, catty, mean bitches. I frequent every day. I like the articles on there and I often lend my opinions & feedback via the comments area. However, I am seriously considering deleting my bookmark. Why? I have never seen so many radical, hateful women anywhere else in my entire life, and they're ruining the site for me. The unwritten code of conduct at Jezebel is thus:

1. Love Obama or GTFO.

2. Jezebel is only for radical leftists, so everyone else GTFO.

3. Hate all men or GTFO.

4. Never, EVER make any statement that could be construed as even remotely conservative, or else you are a racist, woman-hating piece of shit who needs to go die. (seriously- a BLACK WOMAN could get on there & say she doesn't love Obama & she'd be labeled a self-hating racist. And don't even think about disagreeing with abortion. I'm pro-choice but I said once that I don't like partial birth abortions & I got shit for that.)

5. Never, EVER express your opinion unless it matches the rest of the 'Jezzies' opinions(IE- unless you're a extreme leftist, keep your opinions to yourself).

Yes, I'm conservative. I'm not ashamed. I'm an Independent conservative who thinks that Obama is a @#$%ing idiot who's ruining this country. I'm also pro-choice and a feminist. I think women can & should do whatever the hell men can do. But I guess I'm not feminist enough for the other commenters on Jezebel, cause nearly everything I say gets picked apart. It's REALLY starting to piss me off, and I'm having a hard time holding my temper around those bitches anymore.

This kind of bullshit is why 99% of my friends are guys. And the few chicks I do associate with are manlier than my guy friends. My best girl friend can out-fart my best guy friend, for example. Any women out there who are not catty, snide, hateful professional victims? Lets see some hands.

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