Friday, January 15, 2010

Random things that are pissing me off today...

*Stupid, trendy baby names like 'Nevaeh'. Pregnant women- please, pick something else. There's gonna be like 10 little reverse-Heavens in every kindergarten class in a few years. And doesn't saying words backwards make them mean the OPPOSITE of their original meaning anyway? So technically, when you name your daughter Nevaeh, you're really naming her Hell. Yeah. Chew on that for a while.

*Commercials with hip-hop theme songs. E-diets & Bally Gym are two offenders that come to mind.

*Dry skin. If I'm not careful my facial skin gets so dry it turns flaky & even scabby. Sometimes I think I have Ichthyosis. I have to use packing tape, yes- PACKING TAPE, every night to get the layer of dead skin off. Stick & pull, stick & pull, that's my skin care routine. If I don't do it it just builds up & then I break out really bad. I'm test-driving a thicker moisturizer, cause this shit just sucks. ~sigh~

*Skin tags. They're so gross, like little neck-warts. Every woman in my family gets them, I have to snip off whole crops of them several times a year. Yes, I cut them off with scissors. No, it doesn't hurt(unless you go too deep, which I've done), and bleeding is usually minimal. Last night I cut off a huge one by my armpit that's been snagging my shower pouf for weeks. Eeeew!

*MY LITTLE BASTARD!!! God, how I hate that goddamn commercial. If you watch Adult Swim you know what I'm talking about.

*Hereditary hirsuitism. One of my major purchases after I get my bills caught up is gonna be a Tria home hair-lasering doohickey. Slavic heritage, while glorious, comes with the price of excess body hair. My mother Nairs her mustache. I wax mine :/

*Also, shaving. I hate shaving. My ankles are a roadmap of old & new scars, and no matter how careful I am I cut myself EVERY TIME I shave, despite the fact that I've had 18 years of practice. Yes, I began shaving at age 11. And yes, it WAS necessary.

*Daytime TV. It's all paternity tests, soaps, and ghetto-college commercials. Idiocracy in the making!

*My mom's shitty attitude. She never has ANYTHING nice to say. If I got an A she'd bitch cause it wasn't an A+. Now, she just bitches about every single thing I say & do.

*Chronic sinusitis. It really sucks to be congested all the time, especially when I'm trying to sing & the high notes come out as pitiful squeaks. And I'm doomed to headaches & perpetually packed sinuses forever unless I have the horribly painful surgery(that I can't even afford anyway) to widen my maxillary drainage ducts.

*The fact that every time I watch Dazed & Confused, I get the urge to get high. I'm anti-drug! I shouldn't EVER wanna smoke pot. Yet I'm seriously considering freezing some pee & making a few calls. WTF.

*My knees, specifically the left one. In Dec. '07 I got in a wreck where I slammed my knees against the dashboard. Ever since then they've been giving me problems, and it doesn't help that everyone except my dad on that side of the family has had knee replacements :-[

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