Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Apple can screw off with their BS.

I'm sick of all these goddamn iPhone commercials that act like basic features or network capabilities are somehow SO EXCLUSIVE to the iPhone. I just saw a commercial that advertised how you can be on a call & surf the web at the same time on the oh-so-holy iPhone. Guess what- that's a network-wide GSM capability! Has NOTHING to do with the iPhone!!! Gah!

All this $#@%ing iPhone worship seriously raises my blood pressure. My freaking Nokia from 5 years ago had MMS, but the iPhone just got it. My damn Treo from 4 years ago had cut & paste. iPhone just got it. I am simply astonished by how many people get taken in by the propaganda & think the iPhone is the greatest phone ever. It's like worshipping a RETARD that finally learned to read.

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