Saturday, December 5, 2009

The best & worst of 2009

2009 was probably second only to 2005 as the worst year of my life.

The worst:

Wasting almost a year of my life dallying with a guy that is absolutely not good for me at all.

Another year without going to school or keeping a steady job.

I quit talking to all my friends again just for that jealous guy who nearly ruined my life.

Borrowed a ton of money from my parents that I will be paying back for a long time.

The best:

I got an almost new car that has not yet broken down!

I got a Touch Pro 2.

I really got to know myself this year, I now know what I want from life & how to go about getting it.

Got a new computer.

I realized what's really important in life. Family, good friends, and self-pride.

I realized what's NOT important- GUYS.

I will be going to school probably in a few months.


1 comment:

  1. i've had a bad year too. :( something i've learned - not to let what other people do, say or feel determine the choices i'm going to make for myself.

    here's to a better 2010!
